Industrial Services

Tips For Buying And Maintaining Drill Pipes

April 14, 2020

Drill pipes are the backbone of any guidance drilling project. This powerful and handy tool can’t hold your attention, but you can’t deny that it plays an important role in the success or failure of your project!

This may be an anonymous hero in drilling rigs, but it is expensive and expensive. Drill pipe strings are very expensive and can sometimes cost over $ 25,000 (of course, depending on their size). Drill pipes are one of the most expensive things to wear in drilling operations, so they require purchase and maintenance.

 The market is very competitive and the drilling market is booming despite the economic downturn. Demand for drill pipes is therefore very high and there are several factors to bear in mind before purchasing.

There is a wide variety of drill pipes available, from the most common one-piece forged pipes to press and fit types. If you are looking for industrial piping systems then you should do the same just as people do research when buying other products. For example, buyers should consider how much power is in the rig and what type of rig to use for the pipe. If the size of the pipes and equipment does not fit, then the buyer has a lot of headaches besides wasting money. The drill pipe you buy must be strong enough for a specific rig or even a specific application you should keep in mind. 

It is important to use the correct grade of the pipe. Low-quality pipes cause a lot of fatigue resistance, and this factor is very important in the drilling industry as the torque limit of the pipe is pushed to the edge. Also, many cyclic forces act while drilling horizontally.

When buying a drill pipe, customer share always follows the price factor. For tools like drill pipes, it is not always a good idea to buy a cheap one. Some contractors tend to be a bit short here, but they can’t always get rid of low-quality pipes. Rough conditions can test the strength of the pipe. If the quality of the pipes is low, disasters can happen at any time.

Pipes are expensive, so it’s important to keep them well. Maintenance can maximize the life of the drill pipe. Even simple tasks like load checking and regular cleaning will give great results. Another important tip is to rotate the rod basket drill rod so that the same rod is not always the first to go into the ground.

There can be no oil without training. Without a drill pipe, drilling is not possible. As you know, drill pipes play a huge and highly anticipated role in the drilling industry. This reinforced hollow steel pipe reinforces against accidents and pumps a drill bit into a drill bit to withstand the pressure inherent in underground conditions.

With this in mind, drill pipes available in different sizes, diameters and materials are divided into two types: ordinary drill pipes and HWDP (thick drill pipes). Most types of pipes are typically new or available for purchase and are graded according to three categories: new or N, premium or P, and C with three subdivisions. Always look for trusted vendors to get drilling pipe for sale.